Our fee schedule is reviewed periodically and any changes to our fee schedule will be provided with 4 weeks notice to clients. Each invoice will be itemised by the minute and assigned to the Practitioner that has provided the service.

Practitioner Hourly Rates:

$192.00 p/h for Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists (including Play Therapy)

$55.80 p/h for Allied Health Assistant Level 1

$86.40 p/h for Allied Health Assistant Level 2

Note that our  Fee Schedule is structured in line with the current NDIS pricing guide for therapist & AHA service rates. Our hourly rates for all clients are the same regardless of how their sessions are funded.


Cooee Speech Pathology does not provide mobile therapy, should travel be required offsite (e.g. a meeting at school or an behavioural observation at kindy) then any travel is billed by the minute against the Practitioners hourly rate. Travel time is calculated by the time it takes the Practitioner to leave the Cooee clinic until the time it takes them to arrive at the place of appointment. Travel will only be charged in one direction and to a maximum of 30 minutes per appointment.


Our Service Agreements are inclusive of any late cancellations and missed appointments (as per our cancellation policy).

We understand that during cycles of therapy, cancellations or missed appointments may occur for a variety of reasons. Cancellation fees are administrative fees related to both a) the reservation of your therapy time slot and b) the administrative work completed prior to your session time.

If your therapist thinks it is suitable for the intervention they are using, we recommend switching the appointment to Telehealth. Should Telehealth not be suitable then the appointment could be used for Parent Coaching, Resource and/or Home Program creation or other Standard of Care tasks that may be required at the time.

Please note our definitions of each scenario are as follows & fees are applied without exception to allow us to ensure continuity of service:

Rescheduling sessions: Where sessions are rescheduled & attended to achieve the same therapeutic frequency in this cycle of therapy, no cancellation fee applies. (Note – the fee will be applied to the account, then credited to the attended reschedule session, or – charged as per the scenario below).

Cancellation with notice: Defined as cancelling before 9am, 48 hours before the session. No fee applies.

Cancellation with short notice: Defined as cancelling after 9am, 48 hours before the session. Fee of $48 is applied to cover the administrative component of the face to face service.

Late cancellation or non attendance: Defined as cancelling within 2 hours of your session, or failing to attend without notice. Full session fee applies.


Cooee Speech Pathology is a pay on the day clinic, there are payment facilities on site (EFTPOS, Medicare & HICAPS) and bank transfer is also available. Where services are provided off-site, or as a non-face-to-face service, an invoice will be sent to you on the day of the service. Payment for these services is expected at or before your next appointment.

If you are responsible for payment of the account we recommend you speak to the client care team about our secure card-on-file option to ensure your invoices are paid on time.  Extended or frequent overdue accounts will breach the terms of this agreement, and we may choose to discontinue service within the prescribed notice periods.