Why I Work At Cooee
At our Brisbane north based Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy, our Speech Pathologist, Libby, has been thinking about her journey as a Speech Pathologist and working at Cooee.
I started out as a new graduate practitioner as a mobile therapist with limited support. Joining Speech Pathology Australia helped me meet some amazing people and eventually, the director of Cooee, Marion. Marion supported me and was an amazing sounding board throughout the early stages of my career and provided me with support and advice that assisted me in understanding what I wanted out of my profession.
I loved working with my families and providing therapy in a naturalistic environment but needed a change a number of years in to be more settled and in one place with a bigger team. When Cooee posted a job ad, I jumped at the opportunity and applied! What appealed to me was the amazing level of support with supervision, coaching and professional development, as well as the opportunity to have a pathway within private practice. The ethos of Cooee – Going on a Journey was a key aspect of my desire to work at Cooee as well. I want to walk alongside my families and clients and support them throughout all stages and phases of their therapy journey.
Pathway Development
The development of my pathway has led me to have a clinical role, leadership as well as a clinical care role where I now provide supervision and support for team members. Working with the team and my fellow leadership team, along with our amazing client care and practice manager has helped me develop more professional, personal and clinical skills that has shaped my journey as a Speech Pathologist.
This pathway has led to new challenges and opportunities for me, which continues to invigorate my drive and passion for my career. I love supporting the team and developing clinical excellence, as well as contributing and developing new systems and processes for Cooee as a whole with the clinical care team. It’s allowed for innovation and creativity individually, as well within a team environment. The development of the Cooee Collaborative is a new and exciting venture that I am delighted to be a part of to make more community connections and supports for Speech Pathologists both near and far!
More Information
Find out. more about the Cooee Collaborative by clicking here! Or explore our current Speech Pathology & Occupational Therapy Roles here!

Elizabeth Hall
Speech Pathologist