Overcoming Burnout & Procrastination in Allied Health

At Cooee we are passionate about the person behind the work. We understand that each of us has a unique set of beliefs, values and individual traits that can influence how we approach our work & life.

Emotional Intelligence (aka Self Awareness) develops when we begin to bring those familiar traits, patterns and behaviours into the light, and begin to lead ourselves (self – leadership) through the changes we want to make in our external world.

Want your self-organisation to be different?

Like to be able to create more flow in your week?

Find it difficult to find inspiration for the work you do?

It’s up to you.

If you’ve felt the overwhelm of your to-do list recently, and wondered how to move forward in your career in a sustainable way, here’s a few thoughts below from our upcoming webinar that you can explore.


It starts with you. Your mindset is your own responsibility.

It’s easy to look at the ‘outside’ world, and identify all of the reasons why we may be experiencing certain emotions or states.  These might be overwhelm, procrastination, burnout, worry or guilt.

Perhaps the to do list is too long, the calendar is too tight, the work is too hard or complex, or it just doesn’t feel as inspiring as it used to.  Maybe monotony has set in, with what you used to be passionate about.

All reasons out there.

When we can take responsibility for our own thoughts and emotional experiences, then we can really being to effect change in our lives.

In reality, we have very little (to no) capacity to control the external world, what other people say, do, or how they interact with us.  We might want others to stop giving us so much work, or expecting certain demands, or feel guilty & worry about others responses to our work.  Trying to control other’s responses or actions, leaves us stuck, as we attempt the impossible.

What we can actually control is only four things:  our own thoughts, feelings, behaviours/actions and what we choose to say or communicate.

As we begin to notice how we over-step these four boundaries, or ignore our own capacity and power in those four areas, we lose our grip on responsibility, and enter a pretend world of imaginary control over others.

Ask yourself:

How can I think about this situation in a useful way?  What mindset would help me?  This can help shift your emotional response.

What can I say to others that would better reflect my boundaries, needs and beliefs?

What can I do, right now, that I am not doing, that could change my situation?

As you explore and expand your own responsibility in these four areas, your

capacity to influence the situations you find yourself stuck in, cannot not change.

Craft your expertise

Understand that any area of work (clinical competence, documentation, interpersonal skills, project management) requires crafting.  Rather than asking yourself ‘am I good at this?’ explore your own dedication to the question how good am I at this?

Seek progress, over perfection, and lean on feedback from others to give you insight into your current level of skills.  The objectivity of a third party can often see what you are not willing yet to admit to yourself.

Find a mentor, shadow others with more experience in the area you are crafting, and allow yourself to be on the journey.

Repetition repetition repetition (10000 appointments)

In line with Craft your expertise, I recall hearing a story about a physio clinic that would accelerate someone into a clinical leadership position when they had delivered 10 000 appointments, and not before.


There was an understanding that while knowledge starts off in our minds (conceptual), it takes embodied practice & action to actually consolidate learning into automatic skill.

Capacity in any area develops over time, with repetition, as we transform what we know in our mind, into repeated action, that then becomes just our normal mode of operating.

Seek repetition, seek opportunity, relish each chance to re-do what you are currently learning 1% better.  And embrace the law of marginal gains.


For more, join us Wednesday 16th March 2022 at our complimentary webinar:

Finding your Voice as an SLP in Private Practice


Written by

Marion Giddy

Cooee Speech Pathology Director

NLP Master Practitioner

Integral Leadership Coach